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Covering Flux: Protecting Your Aluminum Casting

Covering flux plays a vital role in the aluminum foundry industry. Its function is to reduce gas inflow, protect molten aluminum, and ensure smooth casting process. Covering flux has a moderate melting point, good fluidity and excellent coverage, and has become an important part of the production of high-quality aluminum products.


 One of the main functions of the covering flux is to reduce the inflow of gas during casting. Gas inclusions can cause defects in the final product, compromising its integrity and strength. By using a covering flux, the surface of the molten aluminum allowing any gases to escape easily. This helps produce components with fewer gas-related issues, improving the overall quality of the final product.


 Another important function of covering flux is that it can form a dense protective film on the surface of molten aluminum. After melting, the covering agent exhibits low viscosity and good fluidity, allowing to spread evenly on the aluminum surface. The film acts as a barrier, preventing the molten aluminum from being oxidized and absorbed by the surrounding atmosphere. By effectively protecting the aluminum from unwanted reactions, covered flux ensures the end product maintains optimum quality and performance.


 The application of covering agent is particularly important in the casting process of aluminum alloy products. These alloys often contain various elements that affect their properties. Potential negative effects of these elements can be mitigated by utilizing a covering flux. The protective film formed by the covering agent prevents any unwanted reactions between the aluminum and alloying elements.


 One of the significant advantages of covered flux is its low consumption and cost. Due to its good coverage and effective protective film formation, it low consumption not only reduces the amount of waste generated, but also contributes to cost savings. Aluminum foundries can achieve greater efficiency and profitability by using covered flux in their production process.


 In addition to its function and application, the characteristics of the covering flux product must also be considered. When selecting a covering flux, it is critical to choose the product that is right for your specific foundry requirements. Consult a professional in the field to determine the best covering flux for your operation.


 All in all, covering flux plays a vital role in aluminum casting by reducing gas inflow, protecting the molten aluminum and ensuring a smooth casting process. Its function is to form a dense protective film on the surface of aluminum to prevent oxidation and absorption. With the advantages of low consumption, high cost-effectiveness and compatibility with many aluminum alloys, covered flux is an indispensable tool for the production of high-quality aluminum products. Incorporate covering flux into your aluminum casting and experience the difference it make.

Post time: Aug-02-2023